TMT_Shiraka SAE_2019_SV_participants listening_men_women_MENA

Shiraka Social Affairs and Employment

The Shiraka Social Affairs & Employment training course deepens the knowledge of civil servants from the 19 target countries in the field of social affairs and employment policies. In addition, it strengthens their capacity to effectively contribute to the development and implementation of such policies in their home countries. During the course, the participants have many opportunities to share experiences with each other as well as with their colleagues from The Netherlands so that international networks between civil servants will be stimulated.

Main Goal

The objective of the course is for civil servants working in the field of Social Affairs and Employment to share their knowledge and skills enabling them to lead and inspire the modernisation of Social Affairs and Employment in their home countries.


  • Increase theoretical knowledge and understanding of social affairs and employment policies, both at an international and at a national level;
  • Increase knowledge of and insight in Dutch practice and best practices in the MENA-region; and
  • Enhance practical skills such as working in teams, analytical and presentation skills, (international) negotiation and change management.


Expert sessions for participants to learn and discuss the main concepts and elements of social affairs and employment;

Study visits to Dutch governmental bodies to learn from their experience with local governance;

Interactive sessions for participants to develop practical skills such as change management or negotiation skills; and

Social programmes such as a networking reception and others to facilitate network development between participants and their Dutch counterparts.

Project Gallery


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