
Good Governance in Community Forestry Management

In 2019, The Hague Academy partnered with the Social Forestry and Extension Division (SFED) of The Ministry of Agriculture and Forest in Bhutan for an Orange Knowledge tailor-made training on good governance in community forestry management. The training addressed various topics relevant to the work of the participants such as gender-responsive governance, forest, institutions and stakeholder mapping, inclusive decision-making processes, and change and expectation management. In addition, they participated in a training of trainers where they gained and applied knowledge about the training cycle.

Main goal

This training main goal is to improve community forest management in Bhutan, through more transparent, inclusive, and gender-sensitive governance processes.


  • Equip the SFED staff with the skills and knowledge to support Community Forest Management Groups (CFMG) to apply the principles of good governance to community forestry and to be able to effectively train the members of the CFMGs in these same principles.

“The content of the training was excellent, very relatable to our context and applicable to our day to day work. We identified the main pillars of successful governance and were equipped with training skills such as managing change and expectations or giving constructive feedback.” Training participant. 


At the end of this project, SFED has a pool of 25 qualified trainers. The trainers were able to provide training on good governance in community forestry management. They proved this by successfully designing and delivering pilot training sessions to members of their Community Forest Management Groups. 

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