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Shiraka Egovernment 24
Blog 15 Jul 2024

Training Digital Government in Jordan

Last month, civil servants from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, and Mauritania joined their colleagues from Jordan for the ...
Stories 15 Jul 2024

Changing Gendered Realities Through Economic Empowerment in Burundi

As project manager Gender Equality and Inclusion at Jeunesse au Service d’un Burundi Meilleur, Elsa Digne Kagwiza aims to improve socioeconom...
2019-09-26 10.05.51
Blog 15 Jul 2024

Understanding Democratic Fragility Through Play

Imagine the following: The streets of Amsterdam, once filled with the buzz of tourists and the hum of commerce, now echo with the heavy tread of po...
OT Citizen 2024 1 34
Blog 10 Jul 2024

The Role of Citizen Participation in Urban Planning

Citizen participation is a cornerstone of effective urban planning. As urban spaces increasingly become central to human habitation, citizens play ...
Blog 11 Dec 2023

Gender Responsiveness in Fragile Settings

November 25 marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, encouraging us to reflect on Gender Responsive Governance a...
OT Urban_2023_SV_Urban Green Village participants touching innovation_DIVERSE ACTION GENDER
Blog 11 Dec 2023

Engaging Citizens is Key in the Energy Transition

By 2050, the Dutch central government wants to reduce the Netherlands’ emission of greenhouse gases to zero. They intend to do so by implementing...
WhatsApp Image 2023-12-06 at 4.03.18 PM
Blog 11 Dec 2023

Enacting Local Inclusion Actions for Persons with Disabilities

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December is an occasion to recognise and celebrate the contributions and rights of individu...
Jackie Photo
Stories 04 Dec 2023

Advancing Local Governance: Zambia’s Fiscal Transition

Jacqueline Muthee is a Democratic Governance Specialist at USAID Zambia, supporting the Zambian government’s efforts to decentralise fiscal m...
Other 02 Nov 2023

A message of solidarity

  The ongoing attacks on civilians in Gaza, the risk of further escalation in the region and the increasing polarisation we see worldwide have...
Internship Manicipality Oss62 copy
News 22 Sep 2023

Talent for Governance offers inspiration

Better street lighting, smart public parking, and better maintenance of public toilets in markets and recreational centres. These are just a few of...
Other 04 Sep 2023

The Case for Transitional Justice in Ukraine

The International Day of Peace celebrated on the 21st of September comes as a reminder to continue promoting peace and supporting justice in Ukrain...
Ahmed Khodair 2
Stories 04 Sep 2023

Working to Decentralise Egypt for Better Governance

In 2011, millions of Egyptians went to the streets to ask for more democracy. Since then, they have witnessed three different regimes and unfinishe...

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