
Shiraka Water Management and Food Security Iran

Between 2020 and 2021, The Hague Academy delivered tailor-made training in Water Management and Food Security for Iran. The training was part of the Shiraka Programme. Initially planned to be held in a blended format, the course had to be adjusted to a fully online programme, considering the Covid-19 related travel restrictions.

Main goal

The overall aim of the training programme was to provide 30 Iranian water professionals, policymakers and researchers from public and private organisations with the skills to assess water governance and management in Iran while increasing their knowledge of the many linkages between water and food security.

“We (often) use to ignore the environmental part of Integrated Water Resource Management in our projects. I now understand and try to minimise the heavy toll that water extration can impose on the environment.” Jamshid Ghadermazi (Kurdistan Agri-Jahad). 


30 water professionals from various organisations in Iran participated in the training, exchanged ideas and experiences with fellow professionals, discussed case studies from Iran, undertook virtual tours of Dutch innovations and best practices, completed individual and group assignments, directly interacted with international experts during live sessions, and prepared Back Home Action Plans for implementation in their own local contexts. The following activities were organised:

Part 1:

Five-week online training (water management and governance, water-food security nexus, building a back-home action plan)

Part 2:

Four-week online training (policy cycle, water management in the Netherlands, water savings in agricultural systems and nature-based solutions for waste water treatment)


Two-week online training (institutional frameworks and planning, water and climate change adaptation)

Closing workshop:

3-day online workshop (water accounting in agriculture, institutional analysis in Iran, integrated water resources management at the basin level, training evaluation and future opportunities).

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