Informal Settlements and Water Management

In 2021, The Hague Academy, together with Solwezi’s Municipal Council in Zambia, developed an Orange Knowledge tailor-made training on Land Ownership and Water Management. As part of their programme ‘Upgrading Unplanned Settlements’, Solwezi’s Municipal Council required approaches to improve service delivery – specifically water management – on informal settlements. The training was followed by officers from the municipality of Solwezi, customary leaders and representatives from the ministries involved in the unplanned settlement upgrading programme. By involving the customary leaders and focussing on ownership issues and clean water, we believe that this ToT will accelerate the government’s efforts to improve the legal position, health and quality of life of informal communities.

Main goal

This ToT programme aims to create a pool of qualified trainers in the field of Land Ownership and Water Management. These trainers will then be able to transmit this knowledge to fellow civil servants and customary leaders.

“The project was unique in terms of bringing different actors together to address the challenges experienced in Solwezi. This is the first time we are looking at the challenges of land and water in Solwezi together. We normally do our own thing in our own small corners, without others knowing what we are doing.” (Training participant).


Enable civil servants and customary leaders to:

  • Lead the process of issuing Occupancy Certificates, in order to give beneficiaries a secure title, recognising underlying land rights;
  • Organise service delivery on access to clean water in the settlements, including sanitation and sewerage systems; and
  • Inform communities about how to use water in a safe way, including water testing and waste management (to prevent contamination).


A core group of 25 representatives were trained: 15 civil servants from the Solwezi Municipality, six customary leaders from the Kabwela, Kyafukuma and Mushitala communities. Two civil servants from the Ministry of Land, one civil servant from the Ministry of Energy and one from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Part 1

Five days of face-to-face training dedicated to topics such as water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) and integrated water resources management (IWRM).

Part 2:

Three days of face-to-face training dedicated to training methodologies and tools (ToT). 

Project Gallery


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Solwezi Municipal Council

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