Accelerating Local Economic Development in the Philippines

The Hague Academy welcomes local leaders from The Philippines

In 2024, The Hague Academy for Local Governance welcomed two delegations of mayors from different parts of the Philippines for a training programme in the Netherlands. They discussed Local Economic Development (LED)-frameworks and explored innovative strategies for accelerating local economic development and public service delivery. Before their visit to The Netherlands, the Dutch ambassador to the Philippines, Mrs Marielle Geraedts, invited the participants for a reception in Manila.

The aim of the programmes was to exchange knowledge and gain insight into how the Netherlands fosters local economies and delivers public services. The delegations experienced first-hand how entrepreneurial ecosystems, vocational training programmes, and multi-level governance structures support economic development in the Netherlands. A highlight was the tour of RDM Campus (former shipyard, now economic innovation hub), where public-private partnerships play a critical role in workforce development and economic growth.

Participants valued the combination of theory and practice. As one participant noted, “The programme gave us the basics first, then explained everything in detail with examples and practical applications.”  Another attendee highlighted the benefit of peer-to-peer learning: “The group discussions allowed us to exchange ideas and share actual experiences.”

League of Municipalities of the Philippines

While the LED-programmes were organised under the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of The Hague Academy with the Development Academy of the Philippines, The Hague Academy also hosted a delegation from the League of Municipalities. The programme included a session on Inclusive service delivery & SDGs and a visit to The Hague Municipality.

Local Economic Development remains a core focus in The Hague Academy’s training portfolio. Learn more about how LED can drive sustainable growth here!



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