Photo-gallery: Overview of our latest activities

Our team was busy during the summer months. From open trainings, and tailor-made trainings, to several missions abroad, The Hague Academy stayed active supporting professionals who strive to improve local governance worldwide. We want to share with you an overview of our activities during the last couple of months.

In July:


Tailor-made training: Urban Governance and Local Development.

A group of civil servants from different municipalities in Saudi Arabia arrived in The Hague to complete a tailor-made two-week programme, organised by The Hague Academy and VNG International. In the pictures, one of our expert trainers discusses place-making tools for civic engagement with the participants.

In August:


Tailor-made training: ‘Local Project and Waste Management’

We hosted 12 civil servants from different municipalities in Turkey. The a 3-day training was an initiative by UNDP Turkey, aiming at strengthening Project Management skills and Service delivery of Turkish Municipalities with a high influx of refugees.

Shiraka programme: Water Management

A group of government professionals from the MENA region traveled to The Netherlands for the first week of the Shiraka training. During the week, these 25 participants from 11 different countries learned about Water Management through interactive lectures and study-visits to several Dutch institutions.

Tailor-made training: ‘Modern Management Strategies and Practices in Local Government’

We welcomed a group of high-level managers from the Ministry of Internal & Home Affairs, provincial councils and local governments of Sri Lanka. The group followed an intensive programme to get acquainted with local governance practices in The Netherlands. In one of their study-visits, the participants got familiar with the Utrecht’s experience using open data to promote transparency and accountability.

In September:


Open training: Multilevel Water Governance

We received an international group of participants for two weeks. The participants discussed international best practices and water governance tools, under the guidance of leading international experts and practitioners.

Other trainings abroad:


Training of Trainers in Gender-sensitive Inclusive Governance. Goma, DRC

As part of the project ‘Inawezekana’ (‘It is possible’), The Hague Academy, in cooperation with VNGI, developed and delivered this 4-day Training of Trainers in Gender-sensitive Inclusive Governance. Among the participants were national gender experts, civil servants, and representatives from civil society organisations.

Training course on Inclusive and Participatory Local Governance

We were in Bethlehem for a week! Our trainer Lars Burema conducted a training course on Inclusive and Participatory Local Governance. During the training, Local decision and policy-makers discussed ways to increase trust between citizens and government and to ensure that the most marginalized have a voice. The training was developed in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Local Government, as part of the programme ‘Strengthening Women in Decision Making in the Middle East’ (LEAD), implemented by GIZ on behalf of BMZ.

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