Interested in how you scored in our Gender Quiz or do you just want to see the results? See here the questions and the answers of the respondents (in %).
Question 1. Norway has the highest percentage of female members in parliament in the world.
True 65%
False 35%
The correct answer was: False
Rwanda has the highest percentage of female members in parliament in the world: 63.8%. Norway comes 13th together with Mozambique with a percentage of 39.6%.
Question 2. New Zealand was the first country where women had the right to vote and stand for office.
True 54%
False 46%
The correct answer was: False
On 19 September 1893 the governour, Lord Glasgow, signed a new Electoral Act into law. As a result of this landmark legislation, New Zealand became the first self-governing country in the world in which all women had the right to vote in parliamentary elections.
Question 3. At the moment there are 35 female heads of state.
True 39%
False 61%
The correct answer was: False
22 Female heads of state are presently in power. In Germany, Liberia, Argentina, Bangladesh, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, Kosovo, Denmark, Jamaica, South Korea, Slovenia, Cyprus (North), Senegal, Norway, Latvia, Central African Republic, Chile, Malta, Poland, Switzerland, Croatia.
Question 4. Dutch women, on average, work 21 hours per week.
True 64%
False 36%
The correct answer is: True
The Netherlands has the most part-time workers of Europe.
Question 5. Asia has the highest percentage of female researchers at university level.
True 50%
False 50%
The correct answer is: False
You can find the highest percentage of female researchers in Latin America & The Carribean.
Question 6. Lady Gaga is the youngest most powerful women according to the Forbes “The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women” list
True 54%
False 46%
The correct answer is: True
Lady Gaga is number 67 on Forbes most powerful women list and with 28 years the youngest.
Question 7. In most countries women earn on average 80 percent of men’s wages.
True 68%
False 32%
The correct answer is: False
On average women earn 60-75% for exactly the same job as man.
Question 8. 100 Young women are infected with HIV every day.
True 77%
False 23%
The correct answer is: False
1000 Young women are infected with HIV every day
Question 9. Angela Merkel (the most powerful women in the world) is the first women of Germany to hold office.
True 96%
False 4%
The correct answer is: True
Question 10. The percentage of women in parliament has tripled in the last 20 years.
True 77%
False 23%
The correct answer is: False
The percentage has doubled to a 22% share of women in parliament worldwide.