Albanian municipalities to strengthen human resource management

Albanian municipal staff will visit The Netherlands in May to learn how they can improve management capacities for delivering public services to the community. They will receive examples of Dutch practices and exchange experiences on human resource management, identification of training needs and cooperation with training institutes.

Implementation of the decentralisation reform and well functioning of local governance in Albania is progressing. There are several reforms being undertaken at the local level which aim at improving management capacities in delivering public services to the community. This includes identification of training needs as well as the support of learners before, during and after a learning intervention.

Central questions that will be addressed during the visit are, amongst others: how can local authorities and training institutes carry out proper training needs assessments? How can they ensure that training needs are met in training programmes? How can local authorities and training organisations optimise their cooperation? Apart from training needs assessment attention will also be paid to the other aspects of the training cycle: formulation of objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of the training.

 The study visit is organised in cooperation with Europartners Development. It offers a combination of theory about capacity building of municipal staff, exchange of experiences and study visits to Dutch municipalities and public administration training institutes.

 For more information on tailor-made study visits, please contact us on

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