This study visit was part of the Good Local Governance Programme South Caucasus, implemented by GiZ and aimed at supporting improved good local governance in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, including through the establishment of viable LED institutional frameworks in the targeted countries. As part of this programme, a group of Armenian administrators and government advisers travel to the Netherlands to participate in the training on Local Economic Development (LED). The training focused on examples of the governance structure and LED policies in the Netherlands.
The purpose of the study visit was to enable participants to learn about best LED practices in advanced jurisdiction in The Netherlands, as well as applied legal, fiscal and institutional arrangements. The programme also aimed to facilitate an exchange of information and experiences from representatives from policy-making and implementing institutions, private entrepreneurs and other relevant officials. Finally, the programme supported the participants in applying the gained knowledge to the Armenian context.
“We were impressed by the openness of Dutch municipalities! For instance, during a study visit to the municipality of Zoetermeer, we learned that city residents can freely enter the municipality offices and that debates are also accessible online and in real-time.” Training participant.