
Shiraka Water Management

Organised together with Wageningen Environmental Research and the VNG International local office in Egypt, this training focuses on the modernisation of water use. Which policies help to promote Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)? How is the Water Management system organised in the Netherlands? What can be learned from practical experiences in the participants’ countries? These questions and many others are discussed during the training programme.

Main goal

The main goal of the Shiraka Water Management training programme is to provide those who are working in the field of Water Management with the opportunity to build their knowledge and skills, in turn enabling them to lead and inspire the modernisation of Water Management in their home countries. The course also aims to strengthen participants’ ties with the
Netherlands and stakeholders in the Dutch water sector.

“The international case studies presented during the training were a big inspiration for my own work. I learned that multilevel cooperation is necessary when planning water management and this was key for the success of my project back home.” Mousa Alhlaihl, Ministry of Water, Jordan.


  • Reinforcing and developing knowledge and understanding of Water Management theories and concepts;
  • Providing insight with regard to integrated Water Management and socio-economic development;
  • Promoting personal skills, such as change management, presentation skills and working in teams;
  • Increasing the knowledge of best practices in the Netherlands and across the MENA region in the field of Water Management; and
  • Stimulating cooperation between the Netherlands and the MENA region as well as intraregional cooperation.

Click here to find more information about this training programme.


Through sessions delivered by international experts, field visits and practical examples from the Netherlands and the MENA countries, participants gain extensive knowledge in Water Management. They become aware of the relevance of the relationship between government, private and knowledge institutions. They also explore the connection between integrated water policies, safe drinking water and the development of agriculture, industry and service sectors. Moreover, they acquire practical skills such as stakeholder analysis, problem identification and managing change while being trained to effectively contribute to the development and implementation of Water Management policies in their home countries. They will also develop a network with peer participants from various countries and with their Dutch counterparts.

Part 1: Four weeks online training

Part 2: Seven days of face-to-face training in The Netherlands

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