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News 17 Dec 2021

Promoting Peace and Inclusive Governance in the Philippines

In 2014, after nearly two decades of conflict, the Philippine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front came to an agreement to end hostilit...
Bikhas Adihari
Stories 17 Dec 2021

Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Himalayas

Dhankuta sits at the foothills of the Himalayas, in eastern Nepal. The town is the capital of Dhankuta District, a lush and biodiverse area that ra...
Bhutan 2
News 16 Dec 2021

Building Effective Water Governance in Bhutan

Despite being abundant in water, Bhutan faces challenges in distributing potable water to its citizens. An Orange Knowledge training programme supp...
Stories 15 Dec 2021

Building Social Cohesion Amongst Refugees & Local Communities in Uganda

Fred Buzu Asi works as Community Services Officer at the Ministerial Department of Refugees in Uganda. His main responsibilities are to ensure peac...
News 04 Nov 2021

Challenges to Police Integrity in Times of Corona

Times of crisis demand urgent actions from governments and public institutions in multiple, cross-cutting areas. This sense of urgency makes it dif...
News 02 Nov 2021

Reaching Marginalised Groups Through Inclusive Education

Inclusive Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is crucial to ensuring that disadvantaged groups, such as migrants and refugees, c...
News 02 Nov 2021

Promoting Inclusion for People with Disabilities in Central Africa

Theophile Shukuru Kyolandawa is a trainer at We are Able! (WaA!, or Tuna Weza, in Kiswahili) – a programme that aims to promote local inclusi...
News 02 Nov 2021

Local action to climate change: spotlighting seven community initiatives during COP26

From 31 October to 12 November 2021, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) is taking place in Glasgow, Scotland. This summit of...
Blog 03 Sep 2021

Five key ingredients towards greater resilience in cities

Cities are engines of innovation and economic development. But they also face many of the world’s most pressing challenges. Resilience has become...
Blog 03 Sep 2021

Promoting Inclusive Service Delivery Globally

Local governments are essential for improving people’s living conditions, irrespective of their location, income, sex, age or ethnicity. In t...
Alumni Story Snippet
Stories 01 Sep 2021

The Road to Local Fiscal Autonomy in Mali

Issiaka Bôh Magassa is a technical advisor at the Regional Development Agency of Kayes, in Mali. In 2021, he joined our Fiscal Decentralisation &#...
News 01 Sep 2021

From crisis to opportunity: inclusive water management in Zambia

Solwezi is a rapidly growing town in the North-West of Zambia. The nearby opening of several mines brought a large migration influx into the town. ...

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